Then I entered a strongroom of vocabulary... sculptures Where words like urns that had come through the fire... pottery Stood in their bone-dry alcoves next a kiln... sculptures And came away changed, like the guard who’d seen... pottery The stone move in a diamond-blaze of air... sculptures Or the gates of horn behind the gates of clay. pottery
Then I entered a strongroom of vocabulary... sculptures Where words like urns that had come through the fire... pottery Stood in their bone-dry alcoves next a kiln... sculptures And came away changed, like the guard who’d seen... pottery The stone move in a diamond-blaze of air... sculptures Or the gates of horn behind the gates of clay. pottery

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    Then I entered a strongroom of vocabulary
    Where words like urns that had come through the fire
    Stood in their bone-dry alcoves next a kiln

    And came away changed, like the guard who’d seen
    The stone move in a diamond-blaze of air
    Or the gates of horn behind the gates of clay.

    tratto da ‘To a Dutch Potter in Ireland’
    Seamus Heaney